You might not have thought about branding being life or death, but it is. You need to position your brand for growth to survive – here we explore how.

Branding Before Breakfast Ep 2 Brand or die: Why you need to position your brand for growth

So I was talking to Em, our creative director, the other day about a talk I did on branding. And when I watched it back, I realised I was very intense. And to be fair, we are serious about branding, but this was literally brand or die. And then, I started thinking about it later and I thought actually, it’s probably pretty accurate – it is brand or die. So if you’ve heard the saying, ‘if you aren’t growing, you’re dying’, it’s true in so many different ways. So if your relationship isn’t growing, then it’s probably slowly dying.

Or if you’ve got a plant that isn’t growing, it’s also probably dying. And the same thing applies to your business or your brand. So it’s really important that you position your brand for growth. And that means you need to stand out from your competitors. You need to really engage with your customers.

They need to understand why you are special and why they need to pick you instead of someone else. So you need to think about this. Is your business, or your brand growing? Or is it dying?

That’s it from me. Time for brekkie.

Jodie de Vries

Written by: Jodie de Vries
Published: March 21, 2019

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