Do you really need a brand strategy?

Sometimes brand strategy can seem like a lot of work (and a lot of words) that is largely internally used. So, do you really need a brand strategy we hear you ask? Short answer, YES. For why… have a listen.

Branding Before Breakfast Ep 198 Do you really need a brand strategy?

Morning. I’m Jodie, I’m the MD at Tiny Hunter. And today I want to talk with you about brand strategy.

Strategy, strategy, strategy, I can hear it already. The thing is, most people don’t think about strategy, about wanting strategy or about needing strategy. You think about, I guess the practical things that you need to get sorted that are causing you pain. Like I need a better website or, we need a tagline that really captures who we are, or I need to write this email. And maybe you’re reaching out to someone you’re hoping will stalk your brand. What do you need to say about yourself thinking about these practical things. However, to get to those,  an email that really connects a headline on your website that really captures who you are to distill everything that you are into a four word tagline that really captures everything. The truth of the matter is you need the strategy to get to that point. You need the in depth research. You need to understand your customers, who they are, what they’re thinking, what their pain points are, what are their dreams. You need the strategy that positions you in consideration of those customers  wants and needs, and your competitors, and finding that white space. What makes you different? What makes you special? What makes anybody care about you? You need all that work, all those words. to get to the point where you can have a four word tagline that literally nails who you are, why you’re important, and how you’re different, and all the other bits and pieces that you need.

I guess my rant today is strategy is so important. And while you might feel like you don’t need all these words, you need the outcome, which is to be able to  clearly, succinctly articulate why should anybody care about you? So big love for strategy today.

That’s it from me, it’s time for brekkie.

Jodie de Vries

Written by: Jodie de Vries
Published: September 12, 2024

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