Introducing the four day rule: finding the right ideas for your business

As entrepreneurs we are constantly thinking up new ways to make money. We introduce you to the four day rule – a process of sitting with ideas and evaluating whether they are right for your business based on five key points.

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP 54 Introducing the four day rule: finding the right ideas for your business

Hi everyone. Today I’d like to introduce the four-day rule. Now, have you ever been hijacked by the shiny? What do I mean by that? I mean, have you come across an idea that you’ve got so excited about that you’ve just run with it and it’s probably something in hindsight you should never have considered? It’s easy to do. As entrepreneurs we come up with lots of ideas and ideas are fantastic. They reinvigorate the business. They motivate the staff. And as Einstein likes to say, a mind that opens to an idea never returns to its original size. But the key is to find the right ideas. So this is what we want you to do. Next time you come across an idea that you get so excited about you see stars, you see money. We want you to stop and we want you to think about it. Just sit on it for four days. At the end of that four days we want to go through this process.

Number one: relevance. Is this idea actually relevant to your audience? Are they going to care about it?

Number two: passion. Can you maintain passion for this idea into the future?

Number three: longevity. Does this idea have legs? And it’s not just a flash in the pan kind of thing.

Number four: alignment. Is it actually aligned to your brand strategy for the future?

And number five: money. Can this idea actually make money? Can it add to the bottom line? Not just now but also for the future. If you go through that process and you still feel Yep, this is an idea for you, then we say go for it.

That’s it for me, time for brekkie.

Emma Scott

Written by: Emma Scott
Published: September 11, 2020

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