Make it count: Optimising your site for conversion

Spending a lot on marketing getting people to your site? Great. That’s half the journey but have you deeply thought about what you want them to do when they get there? Letting them leave without taking action is a missed opportunity and here are a few ideas for how to maximise your return on investment.

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP 32 Make it count: Optimising your site for conversion

So you’re spending money on marketing, getting people to your website. You might be doing Google AdWords, social advertising, digital advertising – whatever it may be and then they arrived on your site. What happens next? This is something that people don’t think about enough. So first of all, where are they landing? Generally, the home page is not the right place. They want to click on something and land on a page that’s directly related to what they just clicked on. So you need to think about what product or service you’re promoting and tailor that experience for when they arrive.

The next thing you need to think about is what is it you want them to do? What’s the call to action? Is it really clear and really simple so that there are less barriers to them engaging with you. So the other thing you need to consider is that not everyone is at the same stage of their journey. So they may not be ready to make an inquiry or buy your product or service just yet. So then you need to think about what can you give the user that provides value to them? And this is different for every business.

So with us, someone comes to our site and they get the option to pop in their email address and download a Brand Health Checklist that they can use to assess their own brand and business. At the same time, we get their email and we can start nurturing them through our email marketing. So it’s a win-win situation. So what I want you to think about is your spending money getting someone to your website. You really want to optimise this so that they’re not leaving without taking any action because otherwise you have to spend that same money again to get a new person to visit. So think about your own site and how you can optimise it to get the maximum return on the money that you’re spending. That’s it for me. It’s time for brekkie.

Jodie de Vries

Written by: Jodie de Vries
Published: October 17, 2019

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