Build momentum with our top 3 brand must-dos

We did want to list the 100 reasons we love branding for episode 100 but don’t worry we’ve culled it to just 3. Build momentum with our top 3 brand-building must-dos… Jo, Jodie and Emma share how to create meaningful impact. Take 2 mins to watch our Branding Before Breakfast video now. Come for the branding advice and stay for the bloopers reel.

Branding Before Breakfast Ep 100 Build momentum with our top 3 brand must-dos

100 episodes! Now we know you’ve all been very diligently watching every single episode, just in case you haven’t, we are going to go through our three most critical part of building a brand. It’s a little cheat sheet for you.

So number one, it is brand purpose. This has nothing to do with your product or service, it’s all about what’s your North Star? What gets you and your team out of bed in the morning? Is it communicated to your team? And most importantly, do your consumers know about it? Do they know the bigger reason that you’re in business? Because it will have an impact with them.

Number two is differentiation, branding is the process of differentiation. As a business, why would you want to be like anyone else? Cause they’re awesome. Okay. No copycats. It’s about creating meaningful difference that connects on an emotional level with your customer. And why do you want to do this? Because you want to be the winning choice for your customers.

And last but not least, my personal favorite, brand values. So your values are really the code by which your brand lives. It’s how your brand behaves, it’s how people in your company behave. So for that to really fly, you need to make sure you’re hiring people based on values for it. And you are coaching people based on values for it. People need to live and breathe it. We’re not talking about sticking a poster up in your office, and thinking that you’ve ticked it off the list. So, bring your values to life.

Yes. All right ladies, we wanted to say thank you to everyone for tuning in and watching our Branding Before Breakfast up to now. These are our three top tips on brand as we’ve said and, there’s nothing left to say but, that’s it from us. It’s time for brekkie.

Published: February 9, 2022
By Jodie de Vries, Jo Gossage, and Emma Scott

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