The site change that made $12 million: The power of micro changes

Your website is alive. Or at least it should be. Pro-active, continuous refinement based on insights can have a HUGE impact on business results.

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Hi everyone. I’m Jodie. I’m the MD of Tiny Hunter. Today I want to talk to you about one of my favorite topics – websites. So the problem with websites is a lot of people see them as a project. So something that has a beginning and a middle and an end. But they’re not. They are alive and you need to be constantly refining them to maximise your business results. So you need a partner that is looking at your site proactively. Coming to you with insights and recommendations about ways to improve performance. Now growth is really from three key concepts.

One is increasing reach. Get in front of more people so you can grow.

The second is decreasing friction. What are the friction points in terms of engaging with you?

And then the third is benefits. So what are the benefits?

And there’s a real interplay between those last two. So a benefit for me might be I really want to download your eBook. The friction might be that I don’t really want to give you my details, but you want them. So we’re constantly playing between these. And making very small changes can have a huge impact. So this example is an oldie but it’s a goodie. So Expedia had a form on their site when people were making a purchase or a booking. And one of the fields that they had was the company name. Now, it was not mandatory. It was an optional field. What they did is, they did some split testing. They removed the field and their sales increased by 12 million dollars. 12 million! So, you know, that just was a field that their users weren’t really expecting to see. It made them think a little bit more. Anything that sort of interrupts your flow or your process that is not necessary should not be there. So you absolutely should be doing split testing on your site. And it’s not just about testing big things. It’s about these really micro changes that you can do across time that are going to have a huge impact on your business. For anyone that doesn’t know split testing means, it’s that you’ve got two versions of the same page so it’s been served up equally to users coming to your site. Then you can get analysis in terms of the difference in performance. So think about your website and how much more you could be getting from it with a little bit of love. That’s it from me. It’s time for brekkie.

Jodie de Vries

Written by: Jodie de Vries
Published: February 14, 2021

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