Addison Project helps Sydney’s homeless

We were delighted to be asked to design the branding for The Addison Project, an incredible new venture which saw an empty hotel transformed into a homeless shelter right in the heart of Sydney.

The Addison Hotel in Kensington was due to be dormant for the next 12 months while development plans awaited approval. But the building’s owners – the Toga Group – had other ideas.

With homelessness in Australia on the rise, Toga wanted to take action. Now, instead of laying empty, the hotel is a refuge for those in need.

Since it opened at the end of January, the building’s 42 fully-furnished rooms with bathrooms and kitchenettes have provided over 500 nights of accommodation to those that need it most.

Other homeless organisations have also become involved, including Australia’s first ‘rescued food’ supermarket, OzHarvest in the hotel lobby, a clothing rescue service Thread Together next door, and mobile laundry service Orange Sky Laundry, visiting once a week.

The Tiny Hunter team worked with marketing and communications agency Twentieth Letter to design The Addison Project branding and logo. The chosen design incorporates an open door to symbolise the welcoming nature of the project, and all of the people that it aims to help.

We would like to say a big congratulations to Toga for pioneering this revolutionary change into how empty spaces are used here in the city.


Jo Whelan

Written by: Jo Whelan
Published: May 18, 2017

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