Asked yourself this lately? Ask more, learn more, get further

Is it just me or does the world get faster literally every single day? If you don’t take the time to consciously reflect you could be moving furiously in the wrong direction, or taking the hardest path to where you are going. Here are my favourite questions for a little reflection time. Apply them to business, or life, often!

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP 70 Asked yourself this lately? Ask more, learn more, get further

Hi everyone. I’m Jodie. I’m the MD at Tiny Hunter and today I want to talk to you about questions. Because the thing is, we are all super busy, right? We’re really busy at work. We’re really busy at home and we can find ourselves on the hamster wheel. And this is dangerous territory. It always makes me nervous. I think you really need to stop and pause and reflect. And for me, questions are a really good way to do that. So, I want to share with you three of my favourites.

The first one is, does anyone care? And I guess it’s more does someone care? So I’m talking in business, and I’m talking about your audience. They need to be really specific. So you thinking about someone not just anyone. Do they actually care about what you are doing? And this can be on a macro level. So, your whole business, what are you doing? And who is it aimed at? And do that actually care? Because otherwise you’ve got that really hard sell, but then you can also apply it to many other facets, like your marketing. Are you just producing it for marketing’s sake or are you producing something that they actually care about and really want? Think about if you’re adding a new product or service, what is the market demanding? Rather than creating something that again that you’ve really got to push. And even the way that you’re communicating with your clients. Think about what they care about. Are you communicating with them the way they want? Or are you communicating with them the way that’s convenient to you? So, that’s a great question you can apply in many, many areas. The same with the next one. So, there’s good overlap between these two. What would it look like if this was easy or simple? So, we, as humans, I think tend to just over complicate things. But if you sit back and think, this doesn’t need to be hard. Things don’t need to be hard to be impactful.

So, start thinking, what would this look like if it were easy? And you might come up with some really great ideas. And then the third one is a bit of a thinker. So, how am I complicit in that which I say I do not want? Thank you Tim Ferriss. He’s a lover of questions and he’s got some really great ones. So we complain a lot. We go about our day and we complain about things. We don’t pause and think about taking ownership. How are we helping to create these situations that we are unhappy about? And when you think about it like that and become much more aware, then the great news is, you can do something about changing it. So those are some really good questions for sitting down with a cup of coffee and having a ponder. So I hope you enjoy. That’s it from me. It’s time for brekkie.

Jodie de Vries

Written by: Jodie de Vries
Published: April 1, 2021

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