Attracting and retaining the right people

Have you ever lost a talented employee to another company? Its sucks, doesnt it. Think about the time, money, and effort that goes into replacing them. In this week’s episode we talk about the importance of having an employer branding strategy, that’s focused purely on your employees experience.

Good morning my name is Kiri, I’m the Business Growth Strategist at Tiny Hunter. And today, I want to talk to you about your people not your customers, but your employees. We talk about employer branding a lot at Tiny Hunter because we are big advocates for the power of brand and we believe that it needs to be holistic. So in other words, not only should you be investing in the tangible elements of your brand, things you can see and feel, like your logo, your website, your marketing collateral, but just as important is the intangible parts of your brand, your people, your culture, the way you interact with your customers. It’s these intangible elements of your brand that are just as important, if not more, than the tangible.

We’re in a time where retaining and attracting staff is at an all time low. A recent study by Hays revealed a staggering 91% of employers are finding it hard to attract skilled talent. Crazy huh? Focusing on your employees and making sure that they are deeply engaged in your organization is not a nice to have, it’s crucial. Have you ever lost a talented employee to another company? It really hurts, doesn’t it? Think about the time, the effort, the money that goes into replacing them. In fact, replacing high potential talent can cause the business two or three times their annual salary.

Do you have a strategy that focuses purely on your employee’s experience? We call this an employer branding strategy. And just like a brand strategy defines who you are, your employer branding strategy needs to outline what’s unique about your organization, what is your culture like, your values, what can people expect when they come and work for you? The key, like most things in life, is authenticity. It needs to be a true reflection of who you are as an organization. There’s nothing worse or no quicker way to lose an employee than to promise something in an interview or a job description that just isn’t true. If you’re losing staff or you’re finding it difficult to attract the right people, then it might be time for you to look at your own employer branding strategy. Because happy and engaged employees are the key to thriving businesses. That’s it from me, it’s time for brekkie.

Kiri White

Written by: Kiri White
Published: May 2, 2023

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