Branding past the marketing department: is yours company wide?

An interesting insight from our recent attendance at the 21st Family Business Conference Asia Pacific 2019 conference. We’d be interested to hear if you agree?

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP 27 Branding past the marketing department: is yours company wide?

Last week we attended the Family Business Association conference for APEC. And when I was talking to the different brands that were there, I kept hearing glowing reviews about one particular company where it was apparent that their brand runs really deep. It’s obvious that they have an understanding that a brand is not just about a superficial look and feel. It’s not just about what you say about yourselves. They really understand their ‘why’. They understand their values and it runs deep throughout the entire business, not just the marketing department. Lots of the companies that I spoke to supplied into supermarkets and I heard really varied opinions of Woolworths and Coles, but everything that I heard about Aldi was consistently positive. And in fact, three separate brands that I spoke to told me the exact same story about what had happened when they had gone through negotiations and contracts. That to me says that Aldi has a very deep understanding of who they are. And that their brand is driving the actions of the business, and making sure that their word of mouth is consistently positive every time.

So this morning, have a think about what people would say about your brand if you weren’t in the room. Do you believe that everybody across the business really understands your brand’s ‘why’? And does it drive their actions so that you’re always getting a positive outcome? That’s it from me. I’m off for brekkie.

Jo Whelan

Written by: Jo Whelan
Published: September 12, 2019

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