Fixing your customer experience gap

The majority of customers that have a bad experience will not re-engage with a brand. Yet many businesses fail to drive a brand-led approach throughout the organisation – including frontline staff. Here’s where to start to improve your customer experience.

Hi everyone, I’m Jodie and I’m the MD at Tiny Hunter. Today I’m thinking about customer experience. It has been shown that frontline staff have a huge impact in terms of the perception of your brand. If someone has a bad experience in more cases than not, they are not going to re-engage.

Many businesses do their brand strategy work, brand identity, they may overhaul their marketing. But how are they bringing this through the entire organisation to ensure that the business is delivering on the promises being made. People think that they need to focus on customers and customer experience to make that better. But actually, the real opportunity is to focus on employees. How can we create alignment through the entire business? How can we create employees that feel a part of the brand? Not just an afterthought?

At the end of the day, brand is about behaviour. How is the brand behaving? How are the employees behaving? And it’s got to be congruent. The opportunity for many businesses to improve their customer experience is to think about their brand holistically, whole organisation. Focus on the employees and then they will deliver those next-level experiences because they’re fully engaged, they’re really passionate, they’re fully aligned, they’re all telling the same story of the brand. That is utopia. That’s it from me, it’s time for brekkie.

Jodie de Vries

Written by: Jodie de Vries
Published: April 19, 2023

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