Do I really need to invest in paid advertising?

If you want to get fast traction for your brand, then the answer is yes. Organic reach is great, but hey, let’s speed things up. There are our 5 top reasons as to why you should be investing in paid per click ads.

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP 65 Do I really need to invest in paid advertising?

Do you really need to be investing in paid advertising? Well, if you want to get fast traction, the answer is yes. Organic reach is great, but let’s speed things up. So it’s important to be ranked highly on Google. However, SEO is very competitive. And so we don’t suggest losing anything you’re doing in the SEO space, but do consider paid per click advertising because there’s benefits that can’t be ignored. Now, these are the five reasons why we believe you should be investing in paid ads.

Number one: There’s no minimum spend. So this means you can cap your daily investment at whatever you like.

Number two is that there’s measurable results. So great ROI tracking tools means that if ads arent working for you, you can change them up.

Number three is that it’s highly targeted, so this leads to better quality results.

Number four is that your paid listing sits above any organic listings, which makes you highly visible.

And number five is that it’s speedy. So it could take you days or even hours to get results. Whereas when it comes to organic, it takes time. So don’t lose what you’re doing in the SEO organic reach space, but do think about adding in paid advertising. That’s it for me. Time for brekkie.

Emma Scott

Written by: Emma Scott
Published: March 1, 2021

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