Quick win 2 in becoming customer obsessed

Lo-fi, low cost, high value customer insight. Yes it is possible, you just have to get creative on what lens you are looking through. Watch now for tips on how.

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP36 – Quick win 2 in becoming customer obsessed

Good morning. So today, I want to talk about the second quick win in your brand’s journey to becoming customer obsessed. I recently went to Europe. I took my daughter home to meet my family. And things that I took for granted the way that you drive on the English roads, how the public transport works, signage, completely flummoxed my husband. I thought it was simple. He didn’t have a clue what was going on and it made me realise that all too often we assume that everybody else views things the same way that we do. We have a certain lens or a framework and we think that that applies to everyone. So this is normally where user testing or market research comes in but we all know that that can be quite time intense and also expensive.

So today, I want you to have a think about a really lofi and valuable way that you can instantly get some great customer insights. Think about family, friends, maybe old colleagues who represent your target market that you want to connect with. Give them a call, offer them free coffee, offer them a lunch, whatever it takes. Get them inside and ask them to do tasks on your website. Get them to try your product. Maybe get them to call customer service as if they had a complaint. Really dig into what their experience is and how they feel about the brand and you’ll start to get closer to what your customer is really experiencing and what they think. That’s it from me, time for brekkie.

Published: November 14, 2019

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