Supercharge your business with creativity

Creativity is a superpower – it can (and should) impact every single part of your business. Here we explore some of the important ways you can use creativity to grow, innovate and connect.

Hi everyone I’m Jodie, I’m the MD of Tiny Hunter. And recently, there’s been some great stats coming out about the power of good creative. Which we at Tiny Hunter wholeheartedly believe in but, it’s good to see these kind of articles and data online. It got me thinking that we’ve talked a lot about strategy in this series, but today I wanna talk about creativity because strategy and creativity go hand in hand there’s no point having this fantastic, clearly articulated strategy that you bring to life in mediocre ways. And even taking a step back from that the act of strategy is in and of itself creative. It’s about exploring possibilities looking at what could be and then making that a reality.

Let’s think about some of the key areas where you could leverage creativity to have more impact in terms of your business. An obvious one is your brand identity your visual and verbal identity. They need to be world class, they need to be distinctive. There is a tsunami of businesses out there and don’t even get me started on content. Like, the internet is literally just cluttered. It’s becoming so cluttered. How are you going to warrant the attention that you’re seeking? You need to be distinctive. Then think about your organization maybe you’ve got a long history that you’re really proud of It is important to think about how you’re going to capture that how you’re going to use that story in a powerful way and it’s important not just for customers, but also internally. How are you going to capture that and build on it for the future?

An obvious one is your marketing and your advertising, creative ads, world class ads perform better than mediocre ads. You would like to believe that’s true, thank you data. Maybe you’re kind of doing what you’ve always done. What we like to suggest is do that with 80% or 85% of your budget but then use 15 to 20% to be bolder to try new things, to experiment. Some things won’t work, and that’s just part of the process. But some things will and then they can move into your business as usual and then you can keep on testing.

Those are some of the more obvious ways that you can think about creativity but also think about your business currently, internally. Could you use creativity and creative thinking to solve business problems? Think about your operations how you’re delivering your products and services maybe innovating within your products and services maybe you’re very siloed. What would happen if you brought cross functional teams together? Got some creative thinkers in the room and started trying to solve business problems in a more creative way than you are now? I bet that amazing things would happen. Quality creative is hard to find. And for a lot of people, it’s hard to recognise but it’s important that you are producing world class creative and using creativity within your business to solve real problems. And we will talk more about creativity this year but for today that’s it for me, it’s time for brekkie.

Jodie de Vries

Written by: Jodie de Vries
Published: February 22, 2023

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