My top 3 consumer trends for 2021

My top 3 consumer trends to consider going into 2021 and how your brand can benefit from being mindful of these.

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP 56 My top 3 consumer trends for 2021

Hi. This week I wanted to talk to you about a survey summary that has just been released by Bulbshare. And the survey was done across 15 countries and with 120,000 respondents and it’s all about the top 10 consumer trends that have really developed during this very strange year that was 2020. There are some great insights for what you can then take into 2021 for your brand now. I wanted to keep it quick, so I’ve chosen my top three.

Number one: benevolent branding. We’re finding that consumers are really resonating with brands that are looking towards social causes. This may be an interest in sustainability. It could be improving diversity. Or it may be that the brand is acting in an altruistic manner. This year, two key examples of that are L’Oreal, who in India donated over sixty thousand litres of hand sanitizer to help stop the spread of the Covid pandemic. Pret A Manger – which is a renowned food retailer – in the UK, they offered 50% discount to all of their NHS clients, which was extremely well received by their community.

Number two is all about online shopping. As I’m sure we’re all aware, online sales have been soaring and this survey, as I mentioned, was done across 120,000 people and 75% of those said that they would do all of their Christmas shopping online. So brands really need to start to think about what their online brand experience and shopping experiences is like. And also thinking about how they are actually driving traffic to their site and leveraging this moment.

And last but not least, number three, very interesting is that influencers are losing their influence. So in – dare I say it – this unprecedented year people are finding it difficult to engage with content that can appear vapid or superficial. And instead they have reported really trying to focus on recommendations from friends, family or their local community about which brands they should be engaging with and where they should be spending their hard-earned money. So have a think about all those things and what you can bring into your brand for 2021. That’s it from me. Time for brekkie.

Jo Whelan

Written by: Jo Whelan
Published: September 30, 2020

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