What do you want to know? Hit us with your branding questions

We have just hit 40 episodes on Branding Before Breakfast. We created this weekly video series to help you all on your brand building and growth journey. And we want to know… What do you need right now? What is your biggest challenge in business? Please reply or comment so we can answer your questions!

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP 41 What do you want to know? Hit us with your branding questions

So last week we hit 40 episodes of Branding Before Breakfast. So it got me thinking about what we’re doing here. So we started this weekly video series so that we could take everything that we’ve learned in the last 20 years building brands for our clients and then sharing it with basically anyone who we can help. So in that time, we’ve covered some really big topics, like why purpose is so important to building a brand and how to create a value lead culture, too much more tactical things like how to survive social media without being exhausted and making it manageable and how to make sure that your website is really working for you and converting.

But now we want to know, what do you want answered? What is your biggest business challenge right now? Well, maybe it’s actually something really small that’s just been niggling at you that you would love to have answered. So please, questions big and small, send them our way. So wherever you’re seeing this whether you can just reply or dropping a comment or even just email us. So it’s hello@tinyhunter.com.au. We would love to answer your questions.That’s it from me, time for brekkie.

Jodie de Vries

Written by: Jodie de Vries
Published: December 19, 2019

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