What is your brand purpose?

Defining your brand purpose is one of the most important things you can do to differentiate yourself and build a loyal customer base. Here are 3 questions to get you started on defining yours.

Hi, I’m Kiri. I’m the Business Growth Strategist at Tiny Hunter and today I want to talk to you about purpose. What is your brand purpose? Why does your company exist? It’s one of the most important questions to ask yourself. Your brand purpose is what differentiates you from your competitors but, it’s also what gets you out of bed every morning and it sits at the core of your business. But more than that is something that your customers and your employees can stand behind. If you’re struggling with this, or perhaps you’re finding it challenging to distill your brand purpose into something that is succinct and memorable, here are three great questions to ask yourself.

The number one is, what do you do? It’s not simple, but it’s surprising how many people struggle to articulate exactly what it is they do.

Number two is, what are you passionate about? So so important in business.

Number three is, what are the needs and the wants of the people you serve, your customers? Answering these three questions is a great way to start your thinking beyond what you do but, more so what you stand for. Once you have your brand purpose, make sure it’s documented. Make sure you share it with your customers and also especially with your team and keep coming back to it time and time again. Having that thought at the forefront of everything you do is going to really build a loyal customer base and an engaged workforce.

That’s it for me, it’s time for brekkie.

Kiri White

Written by: Kiri White
Published: February 1, 2023

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