Why pain can be productive for your brand

We know that when you have a successful brand already out there in the market, a rebrand can seem painful – it takes time, resource and budget and a lot of management. But, how productive can that pain be? What rewards will you reap for pushing through the pain?

Branding Before Breakfast Ep 120 Transcript \ Why pain can be productive for your brand and you should push through it

Hi. This morning, I wanted to talk to you about productive pain and how it can increase your overall brand performance. Now, I am not a natural gym bunny, but recently I did my first workout in over six months and I went to work and complained bitterly about it. But one of our very smart account managers’, Jacqui, said to me, yeah, but it’s productive pain, isn’t it? it means that you’re moving in the right direction and doing the right things.

And that got me thinking, we’ve worked with a whole range of brands over our time in Tiny Hunter. And it’s true, when you first start to think about rebranding your business that is a successful entity and already out there in the market, it can seem really painful. It’s going to take time. It’s going to take thinking, resources, budget.

But, how productive is that pain going to be? And I’ve seen brands that we’ve worked with be able to increase their overall revenue by over 30%. We’ve worked with a particular brand for ten years now. And in that time, we’ve readdressed different SKUs, for example, through doing packaging research and then we’ve been able to increase the sales of that particular SKU by 20%.

We’ve worked on another brand where overall sales increased by 8% but most importantly to them, their profit margin increased because they had the appropriate positioning and they no longer needed to go on sale and could consistently keep their recommended retail price. There are so many examples where we’ve been able to build the overall brand performance, and it’s something that we really work hard with all of our clients on.

So, this morning, I’d like you to have a think about have you been wondering whether it’s the right time to really address your brand? And I know, that sometimes it can seem like it’s going to be a pain, but, more often than not, it is productive pain, and that’s something that’s worth it.

So, maybe I’ll see you in the gym.

That’s it for me. It’s time for brekkie.

Jo Whelan

Written by: Jo Whelan
Published: August 16, 2022

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