What is biohacking? And why should an entrepreneur care about it?

Do you ever have those days at work where you just don’t feel great? What if we told you there was a way to have greater control over your biology and the way you feel, which of course effects how you perform at work. It’s called biohacking.

BRANDING BEFORE BREAKFAST EP 58 What is biohacking? And why should an entrepreneur care about it?

Hi everyone. Today I want to talk about biohacking. So, have you ever had one of those days where you feeling really crummy at work and you just really want to go home and have a rest? Or you’re pushing things around on your desktop and not feeling great. We’ve all had those days. But what if I told you that you could actually reduce those bad days. It’s called biohacking. So what is biohacking? It’s hacking your body, your environment so that you are functioning at your best. Now, it sounds dangerous I know but I promise you there’s no knives involved. So what it really is, it’s about changing up your internal environment and your external environment. You’re actually changing up your biology so that you feel better. And why do you want to do this? Because it’s really important that we’re all functioning at our best at work. So there’s so much out there about biohacking at the moment. You know, Google is your friend here but to get you started we’ve got a suggestion. So grab a notebook or a diary and actually change up something in your environment once a week and record how it makes you feel.

So what you can be doing is creating your own personalised plan of what you need to feel your best. For example, you know, do you prefer to work at home or are you better in an office surrounded by people? Do you need air conditioning to feel good, or do you need fresh air? Do you need plants around you, need pets around you? And what about what you’re putting into your body. Do you work well with alcohol or no alcohol? Or do you thrive when you’re eating lots of fruits and vegetables? Really listen to your body and take note about what is going to be the right solution for you in terms of best performance. We’d love you to give a try and we’d love to hear how you’re going. That’s it from me. Time for brekkie.

Emma Scott

Written by: Emma Scott
Published: November 15, 2020

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